
Monthly Check in EN

Hey there, It is time for your monthly check in! Please check the availability and schedule what time works best for you! 

To confirm the time selected I will be sending you a message and adding it to your schedule in the app.  Can’t wait to see you and chat about all your progress.  

September 2024
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

What if I can make it?

Need to let me know at least 3 hours before the time scheduled. If the appointment is not cancelled on time, the time will not be reschedule unless the situation has been an emergency. 

What if I am late?

You can join the call 5 minutes before. I will be waiting 5 minutes after the time scheduled begins, if I have not received any notifications that you are joining later than that I will log out and you will lose your appointment for that month. With notifications I am not able to wait longer than 15 minutes after time scheduled.

If the scheduled is cancelled all the details to discuss or review will be notified by messenger.