
Weekly Check in

Weekly Check in

Weekly Check in

Hi, how are you doing? I would like to encourage you to make sure you are acknowledging how far you have already come in your health and fitness journey. Taking the time weekly to reflect on your efforts and celebrate your progress it is key to keep moving forward in your goals! YOU ARE DOING GREAT!

Important: the information collected here is confidential and is intended as a check in tool. As your trainer & coach, I just used this information to support your journey and make sure your personalized fitness program is supporting your lifestyle (in other words: Making you happy!)

1 being not energy, 5 super energetic
1 being bad (dark yellow urine), 5 good (pale yellow urine)
1 being no stress at all, 5 very high
Did you complete all of your assigned/recommended workouts?
Did you get enough sleep last week?
Did you meet your nutritional requirements for last week?
Are you clear on what the steps for this weeks are in your training program?